Monday 10 August 2009

Don Norman: Emotional design

Don Norman's talk was really interesting. The main idea in the talk was emotional design, which I can also see from the way he conducted the talk. Don's humour delighted the audiences and made the talk work better. That was same in design, pleasant things work better.

Design is not only about beauty and functions. Taking the example that Don used in the talk, the Mini cooper,which was loved by many people for its funny shape and experiencei inside. People felt happy when using it, and some technical drawbacks were minimized because people were enjoying more fun. I think it's a really good design combining beauty with emotions.

Don also indicated that there were three levels of design. Firstly, the visceral level. This was designing with the common feeling when most people saw things. For example, most of the people in this world disliked enviormental disaters, so people designed things to avoid disaters. The second level was the behavioral level. As its name, it was about people's acting. Don had an insight of behaviors. He said behaviors were about feeling in control. As for me, many behaviors were came without notice, and sometimes we even did not know what we were acting. However, design at this level was to figure out what these small unnoticed behaviors were and designed considering them. The last level was reflective level, as Don stated, it was the voice in our head. And I thought it was a really emotional level. And it was to make people happy and enjoyable about design. At this level, there were stories behind the design. And the stories were people's special feelings and desires, which became to the reasons of purchasing the products.

Don's three levels of design is really helpful for industrial designers. It is good for products' development because we think more about human's feelings and adapt products to satisfy people's minds.

Don Norman: Emotional design

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