Saturday 22 August 2009

Yves Behar: Creating objects that tell stories

Just a eighteen minutes's talk, but do really enlarge my world. What Yves Bhear showed were amazing to me. Considering "value" is how we creat things and design things. Yves said that design is the glue of different values: value for business,users ,functions and beauty etc. I think this is saying that the results, or the objects we design out influence greatly on the subjects of value, so we have to consider and dig up what the value is before we design.

Returning to the products that Yves showed in the talk, we can learn more about what is "value" and how it affects design.

Firstly, the watch for Mini cooper company that the time displays both horizontally and vertically gave users a fresh new feelings when seeing time. The transformable furniture also created new experience for users. The value of the above two products are the new experience achieved by functionality.

Taking other examples, the leaf lamp and the Jawbone headphone, I can see passion in the design. There are humanities in the designs, there are values that users and companies can see, there are beauty and new conversations, and I think these are the stories that the objects tell.

The next three products, the Why water, the OL laotop, and the NYC condom involved the process of designing with original ideas. They all begin with "why". Why they were created and why they are loved by users. Begining with these points, Yves explored the circumstances and created things that not only solved the problems but also brought soul to the products and the companies. He kept the value of the work in hands.

"Designing objects that tell stories", I think this is a new way of thinking design and exploing the possibility of what we can design. Considering the value of various subjects, the relationship of the work and the world will really asist us in solving a design problem. Moreover, we may discover some more ideas and creat new stories for our products.

Yves Behar: Creating objects that tell stories

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